Volunteer Descriptions:

Vendor Load-In: Help vendors load-in product from their cars.

Vendor & Event Liaison: Periodically check in and help vendors with whatever they need, whether it be answering their questions or sitting in their booth while they take a quick break. Welcome people coming to 33 Artists Market. Volunteer should feel comfortable talking to people, helping visitors find what they are looking for, be familiar with their way around the 33 Artists Market and the Wonder Building.

Merch Table/Floater: Be the eyes and ears for the event. Sit at 33 Artists Market Table: Sell Stickers/Totes/Collect Emails for Newsletter, as well as keeping count of people visiting the event with a digital clicker! Interact with people, answer questions from attendees if need be.

After Event Clean Up: Help artists Pack-up & Load-out (every artist has their own way of doing this— you’re here to help if needed)